Useful Practical Health Advice - Tips & Trick to Improve Healthy Living

 Making healthy choices isn't always easy, however, your efforts will pay off in many ways, and for the rest of your life.

There are million things we can do to stay healthy like changing diets & exercising regularly. Few of them are :

  • Climbing stairs.

This is a simple and achievable target if you put your mind to it. Sometimes, you should climb stairs up till the 4th or 5th floor instead of using elevators. You can always catch up with the elevator from there. This type of exercise helps in proper flow of blood and burning of harmful fats.

  • Get out in sun.

Sunshine is the best source of vitamin D. Spend 2 minutes under the sun every morning and 2 minutes every evening for a natural Vitamin D absorption.  It aids in weigh loss and is also recommended in low calorie diet.  Vitamin D strengthens the core, promotes bone development and also helps in better absorption of calcium. 

  •  drink water Every 30mins.

Make sure to drink a glass of water every 30 mins no matter how little. Water is one most essential ingredient we miss out while dieting. Water aid in flushing out toxins from our body and also helps to regulate the body functions.

  • Maintain a Regular Sleep Cycle.

Sleep is the most essential self care hack. It improves metabolism, regulates hormones, improves metabolism and lowers stress. Adults need around eight hours of sleep a night.

  • Avoid Bad Habits that Deteriorate Your Health.

Avoid habits such as Smoking, Eating processed foods, and drinking alcoholic drinks in excessive amounts. Try to keep this habit at bay or eliminate completely by finding supportive groups.

  • Laugh The stress out.

Laughter is 100% the best medicine, laughter can cure hurts.

Laugh out loud and drive away your stress. Relax and have fun, Don’t take stuffs seriously. Spend time with friends and family as this can improve the quality of your mind and health. Be involved in your community, Maintain a positive attitude and do things that make you happy.

  • Self Discipline & Confidence. 

Your health is the foundation of everything that you do. When you are in command of your health and your body, you are in charge of your life. If you have a bad health, your life suffers a lot. But, when you have robust health, you overcome any life challenges and you rule your world.

Other great ways to improve your health are:

  •  Eat nuts. Despite being high in fat, nuts are incredibly nutritious and healthy.

  • Eat vegetables and fruits

    Vegetables and fruits are loaded with prebiotic fiber, vitamins, minerals, and many antioxidants, some of which have potent biological effects.

  • Have regular health checks.
  • Be positive.
  • Stay away from negative thoughts and people.
  • Keep busy yourself.
  • Eat healthy and proteinous food.


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