World Most Nutritious vegetable fruits and their health benefits


A fruit vegetable, is a type of vegetable with a pulpy, seed-rich body which grows on a vine
Examples Eggplants, peppers, squashes, tomatoes, zucchini which, while technically fruits, are used as vegetables. this type of vegetables, are higher in calories than leafy vegetables, and rich in vitamin C. FruitVegetable

Top vegetable fruits packed with lots of nutrients and health benefits are as follows:


Cabbage contains a great variety of nutrients. They contain very little, almost nonexistence amount of fat. This makes it an appropriate food for weight loss. Its also a great vegetable fruit for people suffering from coronary disease. Cabbages are rich in vegetable fibers, provitamin A and vitamin C, they are also good sources of calcium. Studies have shown that the body absorbs the calcium in cabbage much better than in milk. 

Cabbage contains substances capable of preventing the formation of malignant tumors. It can treat duodenal ulcer. In this case, drink cabbage juice 200ml four times daily for two weeks. Half glass of cabbage juice taken over empty stomach in the morning for 5 days, can expel intestinal parasites. 


Carrot is one of the richest in provitamin A, which makes it a true dietary medicine. Fat is almost completely absent and all minerals are present including iron. One hundred grams of carrots which is about one medium sized carrot, provide enough "Beta carotene" for the body to produce almost three times the vitamin A, needed daily by an adult. 

Carrot is rich in alkaline element, which revitalizes and purifies the blood. It also eliminates metabolic acid residue. The vitamin "A" in carrots, has a resistance against cancer formation. Consumption of carrots after food, kills harmful germs in the mouth and thereby, prevents tooth decay and enhance tooth growth in children.


Cucumber contains protein, fiber, mineral, vitamins, calcium, carbohydrate, iron, phosphorus and potassium. It contains few carbohydrate and rich in vitamin & mineral, making it a good health diet for the obese and diabetics. Cucumber is good in the treatment of hyper acidity, gastric and duodenal ulcer. It gives immediate relief when there is burning sensation in the stomach. 

The fiber content in cucumber, helps to fight constipation. Those that suffer constipation can get relief by taking three cucumbers a day. When grounded and the paste is applied regularly over the face for twenty minutes, it freshens the skin and prevents pimple. Cucumber is good skin moisturizer.


Fresh tomatoes contains enough water, almost 94% of their weight. They are very rich in vitamin C, and also contains vitamin A, B1 and B2, folates and Niacin in significant amounts. Tomatoes contain Lycopene, which is a potent antioxidant. According to variety of studies, men who consume fresh tomatoes and tomato juice regularly, are at lower risk of prostate cancer. This is because, tomatoes are the richest food source of Lycopene, the Carotenoid that protects the cell of the prostate from abnormal growth.

Tomato being an antioxidant, prevents oxidation of the cholesterol which causes narrowing and hardening of the arteries. They boost the immune function of the body, because of their richness in vitamins and minerals. Tomatoes are remarkable blood alkalizer which neutralize and eliminate acidic waste products from the body.


Watermelon is a nature's gift to the kidney, it can take care of of early stage of kidney disease. This vegetable fruit, contains high amount of water. It also contains vitamin A and C which is needed for resistance against infections. It is a laxative and cleanses the intestines. It enhances free flow of urine and a very good diet for weight control. 


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