11 Ultimate Health tips to live a long healthy years


"You are commissioned to be sent out. You exist only for the purpose for which you were sent. You possess all the authority and power of the one who sent you".  Positive mindset, is the key to a healthy life.  Accentuating the positive will attract good things, while accepting the negative will bring the bad. Start now to develop a positive thoughts and attitudes, this will greatly improve the quality of your life.

Ultimate Health Tips To Live a Long Healthy Years.

1. Eat in the morning like a king, eat in the afternoon like a student and eat in the evening like a begger. 

2. Breakfast is an antidote for a healthy bright day. Failure to take breakfast, can result in weakness caused by low blood sugar, thereby reducing productivity.

3. Excessive intake of foods made from white flour and sugar is dangerous, because it can lead to obesity and many health problems.

4. Chew your food gently. Digestion starts from the mouth, when you masticate your food very well, it facilitates digestion. But when you push bulk of food down without proper mastication, you may develop complications in the digestive system or indigestion.

5. Fried foods are more likely to cause digestive problems than boiled, roasted or steamed foods.

6. Have fixed time for eating. When you eat at a regulated time, your body system grows with it. A well fixed meal time, improve your body mechanism and helps the food to be well utilized.

7. If you can't find peace within you, you can't get it anywhere. Peace of mind is a matter of choice. If lack peace of mind, you hassle and suffer breakdown and injury to your body & soul.

8. Exercise everyday for at least 10 - 15 mins so that you can sweat. Sweating is very beneficial, the joints and muscles benefit from regular exercise.

9. Never take life too serious, it will cause you heart attack. Laugh as frequently as possible, laughter relieves stress and hypertension. It also strengthens the heart, muscles and lungs. Joy shared is joy doubled, but sorrow shared is sorrow halved. Bitterness, anger and unforgiveness, put the body into stressful and acidic condition and environment.

10. Varieties of studies shows that men, who regularly eat fresh tomato, or tomato juice, are at much lower risk of prostate cancer.

11. Being overweight can double your risk of developing high blood pressure. It also increases your risk of stroke, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.


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