How to Determine Your present Energy Level


Is it time to recharge your battery?

When your energy level is low, your health and your desirable characteristics may by the negative. You are like a dead battery when your energy level is low. Now what is the solution? Simply recharge your battery. How? Play, relax, rest and sleep. 

Now let me explain further.

If you want to know if your energy level needs recharging, here is a checklist to help you determine your current state. 

Your battery needs recharging when :

. If you start to feel Nervous and hysterical.

. Worrisome and fearful.

. Jealous, sarcastic and mean.

.Excessively emotional, frustrated and depressed.

. Ruthless & selfish.

. Unduly tired or sleepy.

. Unfriendly, suspicious, tactless.

. Insulting & hostile.

Positive mental attitude requires a good energy level. When you are fatigued, your positive state of health, emotions, feelings, thoughts and actions have a tendency to turn negative. Fatigue brings out the worst in you. When you are rested and in good health and your energy and activity level is well balanced, you are at your best state and will definitely act and think with a positive mental attitude.

To maintain your physical and mental energy, you need to properly feed your body and mind. You maintain your physical body by eating nutritious food and you maintain your mental and spiritual vigour by absorbing mental and spiritual vitamins from religious and inspirational books. If you suspect that your diet is deficient in certain vitamins and elements so that your energy level is depressed, you should consult a dietician for a proper meal plan or good cook book. If after this, the condition persists, have a physical checkup.

If you want to be energetic, act energetically and boost the quality of your life tremendously.


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