Reasons Why Avocado is the most healthy fruit to eat everyday.

 In Gen 1:29, God said: "I have provided all kind of grain and all kind of fruit for you to eat. This will be your food".

Fruit is one of nature's most nutritious and useful diet, it is Possibly the richest natural diet that exists in vitamins, proteins and minerals. Eating fruits regularly, is highly recommended for everyone. Research has shown that, people who eat fruits regularly, live longer, look younger and are more mentally alert. Several passages in the bible, attest to this. Books of the bible like, Haggai 2:19, Joel 3:13, Prov. 15:17, Daniel 1:1-21, Ps. 92:13 - 14. Natural juices from fresh fruits, provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular growth level within 15 minutes, to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. Most of the essential micro nutrients, are found in this natural and healthy fruits. A diet that contains 70% of fruits, help put the body into alkaline environment. 

Avocado, is one of the most valued of fruits for its nutritional value, as well as its therapeutic and dietary properties. Consumption of Avocado is recommended in the following cases below;

This fruit, has several noteworthy features and benefits. Avocado are among the most protein-rich of fresh fruits and contains all of the essential amino acids. It is a concentrated fruits with high nutritional and calorie capacity. They contain no cholesterol as in the case with all plant based foods and are recommended for people with various heart problems such as hypertension or excess cholesterol. Eating avocado reduces fat level in the blood due to the fact that they contain abundant potassium and very little sodium.

Avocado  helps in the treatment of digestive disorders, Anemia, skin infections Bad breath, Nervous Disorders and diabetes.

Digestive Disorders: 

Avocado serves as an appropriate diet of those suffering from gastritis or stomach ulcers because of their alkalinity.


The iron found in avocado, is absorbed better than that of other plant-based food and is relatively well assimilated. Eating this healthy fruit regularly, is encouraged for all those needing additional iron such as adolescents, particularly girls and pregnant women. 

Skin infections

The oil in avocado is good for the treatment of skin infections or disease like Eczema. It also prevents pregnancy stretch marks when it is directly applied to the affected skin area.


Eating avocado is very beneficial to the diabetics. They help maintain an appropriate blood glucose level, lowers cholesterol and improves the composition of fats in the blood.

Bad Breath: 

Avocado fruit, can correct bad breath. It eliminates abnormal smell usually caused by bacteria activities inside the mouth. To eliminate bad breath, this fruit should be chewed properly regularly.

Enhances Digestion:

 Avocado, enhances the secretion of gastric juice, which is necessary for food digestion and has a soothing effect o the whole digestive process. It should  be regular part of the diets of children, athletes, adolescents during periods of rapid growth, the elderly, stressed adults and of everyone wishing to naturally increase their vitality in a healthy way. 

Nervous Disorders:

Avocado is good for those suffering from nervousness, depression and irritability. It contains fats that are important to the metabolism of the nervous system such as Phosphor Lipids and Linolelic acid. They are rich in vitamin B6, one of the most important for proper neuron functions. 


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