
Showing posts with the label Benefits

Reasons Why Avocado is the most healthy fruit to eat everyday.

 In Gen 1:29, God said: "I have provided all kind of grain and all kind of fruit for you to eat. This will be your food". Fruit is one of nature's most nutritious and useful diet, it is Possibly the richest natural diet that exists in vitamins, proteins and minerals. Eating fruits regularly, is highly recommended for everyone. Research has shown that, people who eat fruits regularly, live longer, look younger and are more mentally alert. Several passages in the bible, attest to this. Books of the bible like, Haggai 2:19, Joel 3:13, Prov. 15:17, Daniel 1:1-21, Ps. 92:13 - 14. Natural juices from fresh fruits, provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular growth level within 15 minutes, to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. Most of the essential micro nutrients, are found in this natural and healthy fruits. A diet that contains 70% of fruits, help put the body into alkaline environment.  Avocado, is one of the most valued of fruits for i