
How to Determine Your present Energy Level

  Is it time to recharge your battery? When your energy level is low, your health and your desirable characteristics may by the negative. You are like a dead battery when your energy level is low. Now what is the solution? Simply recharge your battery. How? Play, relax, rest and sleep.  Now let me explain further. If you want to know if your energy level needs recharging, here is a checklist to help you determine your current state.  Your battery needs recharging when : . If you start to feel Nervous and hysterical. . Worrisome and fearful. . Jealous, sarcastic and mean. .Excessively emotional, frustrated and depressed. . Ruthless & selfish. . Unduly tired or sleepy. . Unfriendly, suspicious, tactless. . Insulting & hostile. Positive mental attitude requires a good energy level. When you are fatigued, your positive state of health, emotions, feelings, thoughts and actions have a tendency to turn negative. Fatigue brings out the worst in you. When you are rested and in good heal

5 most nutritious and medicinal fruits in the world and their health benefits

  Apple : A proverb says: " An apple a day, keeps the doctor away". Apple is considered the "Queen of all fruit". Daily consumption of apple, can prevent and correct many health conditions. The presence of organic acid such as malic acid and others in apples, helps in alkalizing the tissues and blood and also prevent intestinal fermentation. An Apple with honey combination is considered a very effective remedy for functional disorder of the heart. 2. Banana : After the apple, banana is the most consumed fruit in the world and one of the most nutritious and medicinal fruits that exist. This is because, it stands out for its vitamin B6 content and also contain significant amount of vitamins C, B1, B2, E, and folate. Banana is an idle food in the case of coronary disease like arterial hypertension and even stroke, because it is very rich in potassium and low in sodium. It reduces the effects of ulcer by neutralizing excess acidity of gastric juices produced in the stom

11 Ultimate Health tips to live a long healthy years

  "You are commissioned to be sent out. You exist only for the purpose for which you were sent. You possess all the authority and power of the one who sent you".  Positive mindset, is the key to a healthy life.  Accentuating the positive will attract good things, while accepting the negative will bring the bad. Start now to develop a positive thoughts and attitudes, this will greatly improve the quality of your life. Ultimate Health Tips To Live a Long Healthy Years. 1. Eat in the morning like a king, eat in the afternoon like a student and eat in the evening like a begger.  2. Breakfast is an antidote for a healthy bright day. Failure to take breakfast, can result in weakness caused by low blood sugar, thereby reducing productivity. 3. Excessive intake of foods made from white flour and sugar is dangerous, because it can lead to obesity and many health problems. 4. Chew your food gently. Digestion starts from the mouth, when you masticate your food very well, it facilitates

Reasons Why Avocado is the most healthy fruit to eat everyday.

 In Gen 1:29, God said: "I have provided all kind of grain and all kind of fruit for you to eat. This will be your food". Fruit is one of nature's most nutritious and useful diet, it is Possibly the richest natural diet that exists in vitamins, proteins and minerals. Eating fruits regularly, is highly recommended for everyone. Research has shown that, people who eat fruits regularly, live longer, look younger and are more mentally alert. Several passages in the bible, attest to this. Books of the bible like, Haggai 2:19, Joel 3:13, Prov. 15:17, Daniel 1:1-21, Ps. 92:13 - 14. Natural juices from fresh fruits, provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular growth level within 15 minutes, to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. Most of the essential micro nutrients, are found in this natural and healthy fruits. A diet that contains 70% of fruits, help put the body into alkaline environment.  Avocado, is one of the most valued of fruits for i

Useful Practical Health Advice - Tips & Trick to Improve Healthy Living

 Making healthy choices isn't always easy, however, your efforts will pay off in many ways, and for the rest of your life. There are million things we can do to stay healthy like changing diets & exercising regularly. Few of them are : Climbing stairs. This is a simple and achievable target if you put your mind to it. Sometimes, you should climb stairs up till the 4th or 5th floor instead of using elevators. You can always catch up with the elevator from there. This type of exercise helps in proper flow of blood and burning of harmful fats. Get out in sun. Sunshine is the best source of vitamin D.  Spend 2 minutes under the sun every morning and 2 minutes every evening for a natural Vitamin D absorption.    It aids in weigh loss and is also recommended in low calorie diet.  Vitamin D strengthens the core, promotes bone development and also helps in better absorption of calcium.   drink water Every 30mins. Make sure to drink a glass of water every 30 mins no matter how little.